The Hurry Hard Against Cancer Curling Tournament is February 4!

This year we are pleased to be supporting the Rankin Cancer Run in order that the funds we raise stay in the Niagara region. So that we can create our teams and track our donations the run is allowing us to use their existing registration system and have suggested that when registering we ignore the T-Shirt size fields and simply click on "Pledge to raise $100" so that a registration fee will not be required.

Create a team

Please ensure that you click on "Finished Creating a Team and/or Adding Team Members For This Session (this will SAVE your data!)" at the bottom of the screen when you are finished your data entry or your registration information will not be saved. (Note: this "Finished Creating a Team..." link will only appear the first time you create your team. You will not see it [as it is no longer necessary] when you log in to add or manage team members in the future.)

Add members to your team

Use your team captain email address/User ID and password to log in. Then select "Manage Team Members" and fill out the form. For those who don't have email addresses we recommend that you simply use the participant's first and last name as the User ID (this should avoid the possibility of a duplicate ID already existing in the system). Please note that if you use "John Smith" to register that isn't the same as "JohnSmith" when one goes to log back in (because of the missing space character). Remember to let that team member know the credentials you used so that they can log in on their own thereafter. Then fill in the "Email Address for confirmation letter" field with a valid email address where the registration confirmation should be sent.

Donate to the Rankin Cancer Run and get an instant receipt

Rankin Cancer Run home page